
Tiger Con tickets are available through:


Pre Registration: Weekend Pass $35*, Saturday $30*, Sunday $*20

NEW!  Tiger and Cub Combo Ticket!  $40.  This ticket counts as a weekend pass for both Tiger Con and Cub Con!

(At the Door prices start on October 1st)

At the Door:  Weekend Pass $40*, Saturday $35*, Sunday $25*.

Military, First Responders, and VSU Students and Faculty receive a $5 discount on the above ticket prices, please show ID at badge pickup.

VIP Tickets: We offer three levels of VIP tickets with different privileges for each level.

Colonel:  $100 (no discounts available) includes dinner with the guests of honor, an exclusive challenge coin, Tiger Con VIP T-shirt, head of line privileges, early access to the Dealer Den, Pin-backed button, and an exclusive VIP badge and one free dessert in the Maid Cafe (Must show your challenge coin to the maids to claim your dessert).

Major:  $75 (no discounts available) includes lunch with the guests of honor, an exclusive VIP challenge coin, Tiger Con VIP T-shirt, head of line privileges, 30 min early access to the Dealer Den, pin backed button and an exclusive VIP badge.

NCO: $55 (no discounts available) includes an exclusive VIP badge, pin backed button, Tiger Con VIP T-shirt, head of line privileges, and 30 min early access to the Dealer Den.

Children 10 and under are free, but must still register.

Volunteers:  Earn free tickets to current and future events by Volunteering, plus get a behind the scenes look at how Tiger Con and Cub Con are run!  Who knows, you may even want to join our staff some day!

Hotel:  Special group rate at the Fairfield Inn & Suites.

Panelists (Panelists will get a free one day pass if your panel is approved.  Approvals will be sent out no later than one month before the con)

Dealers and Artists:  Please read the Dealer and Artist Policies before applying.  You can apply using the Dealer and Artist Application Form.

Inline Space:  $275

Premium Corner Space:  $325

Island:  $375

Artist Alley Space:  Please read the Dealer and Artist Policies before applying.  You can apply using the Dealer and Artist Application Form.

Artist Alley Expansion on 2nd Floor:  $85

Hallway (Cannot be locked at night):  $95

Dealer Den (Will be locked at night):  $125

* taxes and fees may apply