Become a Sponsor!

Tiger Con would love to make your business or cause part of our convention!  We can offer you a way to target your advertisement to our very specific audience.  Sponsors are an important part of making our con a success and we offer several ways to contribute!


All Tiger Con sponsors will have their business/cause logo featured on the Tiger Con website with a link back to their own URL.  The Tiger Con Program Guide will be a 8.5″ x 5.5″ booklet featuring guest bios, event schedule, panel descriptions, venue map, etc.  The Program Guide will be provided to all Tiger Con attendees, and your business could be featured prominently in or on the guide!

Platinum Level:  $500 (only 1 available)

Get the full back cover of the Tiger Con program guide.  The program guide will be provided to all Tiger Con attendees and your ad will be right there on the back cover.  We will also add your logo to our website and Facebook banners.  Your business or cause will also be thanked by name in our opening and closing ceremonies.  Your business name or logo will also be featured on all badges/lanyards.

Gold Level: $300

Get a full page color ad in the Tiger Con program guide.  The program guide will be provided to all Tiger Con attendees and your ad will fill an entire page in brilliant color.

Silver Level: $100

Get a full page black and white ad in the Tiger Con program guide!

Bronze Level: $60

Get a half page black and white ad in the Tiger Con program guide!

Specific Event Sponsorship!

Tiger Con has numerous contests including the Costume Contest, Anime Music Video Contest, and several Video Game tournaments.  Each of these contests needs prizes!  If you donate a prize, your business will be credited by name when the prize is announced and when the prize is awarded.  If you sponsor prizes for all levels of a specific event (1st place, 2nd place, best kid’s costume, etc.), your business name will be added to the contest’s name on all media, i.e.  (program guide, website, and Facebook).  i.e. “The Tiger Con Costume Contest presented by Books a Billion!”

Note:  A good way to drive traffic to your business is by donating gift certificates as prizes.  That way, you get credit as the sponsor and you know the recipient will be coming to your store!